Medium, success, and a math controversy

Starting out my journey here, let’s see where it leads to a year from now.

Aaron Horak
7 min readMay 21, 2023

I’m so excited to be starting this new journey! Let me first say “Thank You!” to Medium, and to all the people who already follow me just because I commented on your posts, hope I don’t let you down!

The new guy in town, wanting success

Reads up on the best ways to impress

Alas, there’s so much! and starts to get stressed.

So, I was trying to decide the best way to have some decent success here. I read several terrific articles by many great writers on here. And I started to stress.

Anxiety wasn’t a problem until a few months ago. Some events in my family turned a lot of things upside down, and I began having to come up with strategies for dealing with anxiety in a few areas of my life. Medium is a new area that I’m adding to my life, and thus new anxieties started building as I read about other people’s journeys, even before I began my own! Hopefully I have some tips that can help someone.

Don’t get me wrong, there was absolutely nothing wrong with the advice! But as I contemplated making it all work for ME, I began to feel a bit claustrophobic. I have to do ALL this to be successful? That very well might be true. But I eventually came to a realization that got me unstuck: I can’t do it all! I had been slowly losing my enthusiasm for something that I saw as a…



Aaron Horak

Hello! I have many interests, including science fiction, real science, writing, and math. I hope to contribute much here. I have a BS and MS in mathematics.